Tuesday, June 9, 2009

High Chair incident, and a mindless rant....

My son really really likes his pediatrician. That's the only logical conclusion I can come to at this point. What a beautiful morning we'd had. Carter took his a.m. nap like a champ, giving Jordan and I time to color, and play doll house. When he woke up, he was hungry. Starving even. So into the booster chair he goes (ie - high chair that straps to the top of a Kitchen chair. Big space saver, and is made for babies ages 3 months and up). He is then "Buckled up for safety" as Jordan likes to say. Happy sounds fill the room as Carter anticipates the upcoming meal. Then BANG! And I mean BANG! I turn around no more than 2 seconds after buckling him in and he has flipped the entire thing, booster chair, kitchen chair and himself, over. Face first. Onto the wood floor. I.FREAKED.OUT. I quickly braced myself for the injuries I was about to see when I lifted him up, and then it was "go-time." After a few seconds of wrestling with chair/seat/buckle, I freed my poor son from this death-trap. He was SCREEEEEAAAAAAAMING. Quickly we went to the couch where I stripped him down and inspected for injuries. As soon as I got his diaper off, he began laughing. Stinker. So he's now completely calm and I am shaking like a leaf, on the verge of tears, kicking the stupid chair with my free foot. I quickly calm Jordan down, who is also visibly shaken by all of this.

Next, I do the responsible thing. I call the Doctor. BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. I am so sick of calling that stinking pediatricians office. SICK.OF.IT. Up until this point it has been beyond my control, today, its my fault and I know it....so, I decide to give as little personal information as possible when I call:

ME: "Hi, my son flipped his high chair over and landed on his face and head. He seems fine, I'm just wondering if I need to bring him in since it was such a high fall?"

NURSE: "How old is he?"

ME: "7 months."

"NURSE: "Does he have any bruising?"

ME: "Just a little above his eye, but no blood or anything and he's not even crying anymore."

NURSE: "Is he moving his eyes well and acting normal."

ME: "Yep. I think he's fine, I just thought I should call in case it was something you guys thought needed to be checked."

NURSE: "Okay, what's his name?"


ME:"Carter Hayes."

NURSE: "Okay, hold on a minute Kim."

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh They know my name as soon as I say my Son's name. GREAT. GREAT. GREAT. GREAT. I am figuring that at this point they are snickering and laughing at me, the hypochondriac mother of the 7 month old who has been in their office no less than half a dozen times in the last month.

I do KNOW that I am not "that kind of mom" who has her child at the dr's for every little thing. It just so happens that I have a kid with legitimate health concerns pretty frequently. I also KNOW that the dr's and nurses there know this, as every time we have been there there has been something significant going on with Carter (health-wise). But I am TOTALLY self conscious right now about being viewed as a paranoid Mother. (So, I guess I'm paranoid about being paranoid!?!?)

I think I'm totally self conscious right now period. I suddenly find myself worrying about what people think of me more and more. I worry how people percieve my mothering-skills, my ability to be a good wife, my housekeeping, organizational skills. The list goes on.

Anyways, the day got better, and was filled with smiles and laughs....and tomorrow will be better. And Thank GOD Carter is okay, because that could have been bad.



  1. Stop worrying about what other people think...we're all too busy trying to be like you!

  2. I'm glad he is okay, it sounds like it could have been bad. The couple times something bad has happened to Serena I was more upset about it than she was. Maybe you could try one of those chairs that hooks to the table. . .harder to flip over!

  3. Oooh, I hadn't thought of that Tracy...Good idea!
