Thursday, June 4, 2009

aaah Extra Sleep

The kids had an AMAZING day today! We needed to leave my parents' house by 8:30, so I woke up at 7:00 to watch a few minutes of news, have a shower, and then get the kids ready. I apparently fell asleep watching the news because next thing I know it was 8:30 and Carter was just waking up! That NEVER happens!!! So, I immediately knew there wasn't even any point in attempting to make it to gymnastics. No huge loss, the extra sleep is definately worth it! Jordan didn't wake up until 9:00. Again, NEVER happens!

We had a fun-filled day of shopping (sarcasm...) Jordan and Carter picked out the theme for their new bathroom downstairs. Jordan liked princesses, and I voted for Jungle animals on Carter's behalf. Its very cute, and I know Carter loves it because he spit up on the hand-towel before I even had a chance to pay for it. This is how Carter shows his affection, just ask my mother.

We saw Dave for a little while this afternoon, so that was nice. And then I went back to my parents' house for dinner and whatnot. Everything went very well, so either Carter is really getting all better and Jordan is learning to listen better; or I'm getting used to being away...

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