Saturday, May 30, 2009

I miss my bed. I doubt that my children miss their beds, Jordan is sleeping comfortably in her bunk-bed here at my parents' house. Carter is in his pack-n-play, complete with a mini-matress and everything.

Anyway, we had a blast at the farm today. Jordan picked about 4 pounds of strawberries!!! Carter LOVED the animals (Jordan did as well of course, but this isn't anything new). He patted the horse's nose and was squeeling at all of the animals. So cute! Afterwards we went to lunch at Wendy's (fancy, I know!) Then back to my parents' for nap time.

Apparently this morning while I was getting us all ready to go to the farm, my Mom mentioned to Jordan that she was going out to the store and asked Jordan if she needed anything. If you EVER ask Jordan if she needs anything from the store, she will always have a different answer. So, my mom comes home while Jordan and Carter are sleeping, and unloads a basketball hoop from her vehicle. Apparently that is what Jordan needed today...interesting... But she did have alot of fun playing with it before Church tonight!

Dave got suckered into taking her on the playground before church, and they had alot of fun of course. We went to Ledo's for pizza after church, just as we do every Saturday night. We get there around 8:00, and they close at 10:00. So, after we eat Jordan "helps" the waitresses clean up the restaraunt. She got a $1.00 tip today. Jordan LOVES this part of going to Ledo's. We can almost ALWAYS get her to eat all of her dinner there, because she knows that she gets to clean up afterwards.

Tomorrow is a birthday party and swimming....And maybe I'll actually get some pictures up, I forgot to ask Dave to bring up the adapter. This living in 2 seperate places is really tricky!!!

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