Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Good Day gone Bad :-(

The kids slept in today!!! But Dave called the house at 7, and my mom called at 7:30. Whatever, its still a good start to the day if I wake up BEFORE Jordan and Carter. I really don't know why, but for some reason if I have just a head start on them, enough to pee, and start the pot of coffee brewing before they wake up, it really sets my mood right for the day. (UM, Don't bother trying to edit that sentence, Grammar People...) Anyways, morning started well. Everyone was happy and ready for a great day!!! Then that ALL changed rather quickly this afternoon. Maybe I'm just bitter because I didn't get my spray tan, taco soup, or margarita. Maybe I'm just moody today, so I let little stuff ruin my great start to the day. Maybe my kids drove me crazy by lunchtime? Maybe I found out that I, yet again, will not be getting Mother of the Year? Maybe as I was explaining to my daughter why we don't ride Carter's pool raft off of furniture or stairs, maybe there was a hint of selfishness in me thinking "REALLY? REALLY I'm spending my day arguing with a toddler???"

As I sit tonight blogging, at my parent's house - where we will reside for a week - I smile though, because tomorrow starts fresh. Tomorrow WILL start with hugs, kisses, tickle fights, and more. Today, I learned:

  • Princesses don't pick their noses, but pirates do, so its okay (!!!!!!)
  • Carter likes it when Jordan flips his carseat upside down
  • Carter cracks up when I scream and quickly put his carseat rightside up
  • Jordan can figure out no less than 5 ways to flip a chair over in the Dr's office
  • We have to run after we flush the potty or it'll suck us right down in there to live in poop (????)
  • My son has a very high pain tolerance :-( Wish I'd have known this a week ago, I'd have had him into the dr's sooner

I'm rambling because its late, and it really and truly has been one of those days that I will have to process until sometime tomorrow, and then attempt to document it. Good night!

1 comment:

  1. What? How do you go from spray tan to Waldorf? Can I help?
