Tuesday, February 15, 2011

In other news...

Yesterday we won $10,000.00 on a $2.00 scratch-off. That's right, I scratched off the ticket and couldn't believe when I'd matched "3 like amounts." I was excited almost to tears, and ran up to Dave (who was on the phone) to show him. He was immediately excited and jumping up and down yelling "we just won $10,000! We just won $10,000!" (still on the phone). I had to run upstairs to help the kids with something and after a minute or two Dave comes up and grabs the ticket off of the dresser....and after staring at it for a while, figured out we DID NOT in fact will $10,000. I'd matched a $1000 to 2 $10000. You can see how easily that could be confused, right?! I mean, we BOTH thought we'd won. So, in a matter of moments we went from elated to deflated....but hey, at least we know what that moment feels like. The moment when you are inexplicably "lucky" and are given a BIG something for nothing. At least I hadn't ordered my shoes yet. (the ones I decided I HAD to have, only to find out later they cost $1500.00...this is a BIT out of our budget.)

In other news, Jordan and Carter seem to be feeling better. We're spending yet another day home from school, just to be sure. Yesterday they did get to go to the little V-day party at Jordan's school. It was from 11:15-12:00 and Jordan was in a meanie-pants mood so we only made it to 11:45 before I said "stop (doing something, there's no telling what she was doing at the moment) or we can leave now!" Her response? You guessed it: "I'm ready to go." Carter was a bit devastated at this, as he LOVES to play at Jordan's school any chance he gets. And at THIS particular party, he was thrilled because he got to wear his church-shoes. I forgot to pack sneakers for him at my Parents' house. When my Mom met me at the school with the kids, I had sneakers for him but he wanted NO PARTS in them: "No, I wear my Church Shoes!" and he strutted them.

He's so cute. As we speak he's laid out on the floor in front of me DEMANDING chocolate. Really!? Adorable. 1 - I don't know how he even knows what chocolate is. and 2 - NO ONE in this house just sits down and eats chocolate. Not even me. And he is now saying "I want Chocolate. I want it ALL DAY." Cute.

Off to make waffles for my starving children.

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